How to build machine learning models in Python?
Hello All, This is my first machine learning experiment in Python and I am really excited to explore this path. In this post I will build a simple machine learning model using the popular iris data set available in the csv format.
Bayesian Estimation in Action
Hello All, In this post I will demonstrate a practical use case of applying Bayesian Estimation in a typical business scenario. Quite often businesses are required to take decisions based on some analysis of observed data. We will see how Bayesian Estimation becomes a very important tool to help us quantify the uncertainty in the data and help us take more informed decisions.
Churn Prediction for Preemptive Marketing
Hello All, In this post I will demonstrate a very practical approach to developing a churn prediction model with the data available in the organizations. The approach can be easily replicated if you are using SQL Server 2016 with R Services.
How to build and evaluate models using Microsoft R Server?
This blog post is continuation my earlier post where we performed data cleaning and feature engineering on the Kaggle data set. We also studied the relationship between the label (gender in this case) and other covariates.
How to manipulate Big Data using Microsoft R Server?
In this post I will demonstrate how to manipulate big data files using Mircosoft R server or MRS.
Product Recommendation for E-Commerce Business
Hi All, In this post I will walk you though a simple yet effective product recommendation strategy along with operational code that can be utilized right away. Product recommendations are being used increasingly by online companies to boost revenues and increase the return rate of the customers.